What's a srat girl without her frat guy?

So with Valentine's Day having just passed, love is in the air. This post is dedicated to the question I got asked throughout college. "Why don't you ever date ' frat boys' "? Well, my answer is simple. And comes in two parts. 1. Most of the time in college I had my sights set on only one guy ( my boyfriend) who I've known forever. And no he wasn't (and isn't) Greek. Scandalous I know. 2. For the rare periods of time that I was single and ready to mingle, I had some rules. First of all, I was over dating 'boys'. High School was over, and I'd raised my standards with my age. Now, I didn't have anything against guys in fraternities; I just wasn't about to date anyone that acted like a child (fraternity or not). I had grown up, I'd seen the way I felt guys were supposed to act towards their women, and I wasn't going to settle for anything less. ...