2019 Reading Challenge Reviews - Books 13 & 14
This year, I'm participating in the 2019 Pop Sugar Reading Challenge. ( For more information check out my 2019 Reading Challenge Overview post, or look up the challenge on popsugar.com.) Here are my thoughts on the 13th and 14th books that I read. Book 13: Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert I gave this book 4/5 stars on Goodreads. The prompt I chose for this was "A Book With at least 1 million ratings on Goodreads." This book was an incredibly easy read in my opinion. I felt like her writing style flowed well, and it kept me interested enough to keep reading for the most part. There were some areas where I wanted to skip ahead, but overall, I felt it had a good flow. However, there were some things that rubbed me the wrong way a bit. Disclaimer: slight spoilers ahead. Particularly, her view on her mental state, and how she did not want to continue taking her medication threw me off. Although I hope it...