2019 Reading Challenge Reviews - Books 19 & 20
You can see the prompt list in my 2019 Reading Challenge Overview post or on the popsugar.com website. Here are my thoughts on the 19th and 20th books that I've read this year. Book 19: Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Bren é Brown I gave this book 2/5 stars on Goodreads. The prompt I chose for this was "A Book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter" I'd heard amazing things about this book, and so when my sorority decided to read it for their book club I was excited to join in. The wait to get this book from the library was well over a month, and I took that as a good sign too that it was well loved and going to be a great book. Unfortunately, for me that was not the case. I love the occasional self-help or leadership book. When we find a good one, my boss and I recommend them to each other. I was hoping to be able to recommend this one to him, but sadly I found...