
Showing posts from 2017

A Year in Review: 2017

At the end of every year, I like to look back on the past year and remind myself of all of the things I've managed to do and accomplish. It helps me put things in perspective and remember to be grateful every day. It reminds me that even when I'm having a bad day, there are always good days yet to come, and helps me start the new year off on a happy, healthy footing mentally and spiritually. So here is my list for 2017: 1. My boyfriend and I started the year off spending time with family on NYE/New Year's Day. Getting to spend a lot of time with family would be very important for the whole year. 2. In early January, we decided to continue our tradition of trying to see the tree at Rockefeller Center every year (although technically we were counting this as part of 2016's Christmas season). 3. My mother made a goal for herself to visit all of the counties of New Jersey, and she and I got to have quality time wandering the Princeton Art Museum in January, Laurita Wi...

Fake Friends

I have spent so much time of my life wasted on fake friends. The problem is, I rarely realize they're fake friends until I've already spent months or years of love and effort on these relationships only to watch them fail. Then, when these relationships fail, I spend far too long missing these people who were never truly my friends to begin with. This has made it harder for me to form connections and put in the effort from fear that new friends will be fake as well, but I'm working on it. Here are some examples that I've discovered are fake friends. The Friends That Are Only There In The Good Times When everything is going right in your life these friends are right there with you celebrating. However, when times get tough, and you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to drink wine, eat ice cream and pizza with, these friends are suddenly nowhere to be found. These friends are still fun, and you may not want to cut all ties with them, but know that they will never be...

Going Back To School

Before I start this post, I want to apologize for not posting as much as I was earlier in the year. I decided to go back to school for an additional certificate on my degree (hence this post's title). This is taking up a lot more of my time than I had anticipated. However, I'm still going to be blogging at least once a month for the duration of the classes so please bear with me. That said, here are some things I've learned about myself and the concept of going back to school after you've been gone for a few years. This semester is the first semester I've actually been back on a campus for a class in 4-5 years. The last two classes I took for this certificate were online, on my time. Actually being back in a classroom with a dedicated time slot is a huge transition for me. I'm used to studying on my own, asking questions as I need to, and coming in for exams. Now, sitting in a classroom with a professor and a bunch of other students, I've never felt ...

Waste Not

Earlier in the year, a lot of my sorority sisters and friends from college were sharing videos on social media of people who have managed to live an almost completely zero waste life. Watching these videos, I realized that I although I always say that I want to be environmentally conscious, I produce an awful lot of unnecessary garbage waste every day. I decided that I wanted to change that, but I acknowledged the fact that I was going to need to make small changes at first if I was ever going to keep up with them. The first thing I did was buy my own travel mug for the copious amounts of coffee I drink a day. I was using it regularly for a while, and then one day just forgot. One day turned into two days, turned into months. Last week, I was joking with a coworker and they reminded me about my goal and helped me decide to try and get back on track with using my travel mug again. The other small change I found that I could make was shopping with reusable bags. I bought my first one...

Women Who Work : My Review

I recently finished Ivanka Trump's Women Who Work book, and I have to admit it was pretty useful to me. In fact, reading was one of the things that finally helped me find the drive to start this blog again. Since it helped inspire me to restart Sorority Blogger, it only feels fair to dedicate one week to it, so here are some of the points from Women Who Work that I found most interesting. First, I love that Ivanka starts the book talking a bit about where she is at the point in her life when the book was being published compared to when she was writing it. A lot of things definitely changed for her and her family in a very short period of time. Along with that, I thought it was impressive of Ivanka to own the fact that she had some privileges when she was starting her career that other people may not have (like the Trump family name). However, she also owns the fact that she worked very hard to get where she is today. A lot of the items I found the most useful at this point in ...

21 Days of Yoga - Day One

Every  year on my birthday, I like to set goals for myself for that year of my life. This year, at the ripe old age of 26, I've decided that I want to actually start getting back into shape, increase my flexibility again, and learn how to do a head or hand stand. How I've decided to do this? Well, a little bit before my birthday I bought a series of classes online for 21 days of beginner yoga from DailyOm. It's now almost 6 months after my birthday, and I finally decided to actually start taking those classes. Day one was not what I expected. I've taken yoga classes before in actual studios (if you're in NJ check out Yoga Dosha in East Brunswick; Phebe's warm vinyasa basics class was amazing), but I really wanted to try to get a bit more practice in at home. Day one at home was nothing like what I remembered from the studio. I decided to try the extended class (20 minutes) while my boyfriend drafted his fantasy league team. The first 10 minutes was entirely c...


Hello amazing readers (both old and new)! I realized recently that I haven't blogged in a very long time, and I figure it's long past time for a new blog post. A lot has happened in my life since my last post and so for both new readers and old, I thought I'd start with a (Re)Introduction. First here's some basics: My name is Kelly. I graduated from Rutgers University and am a sister of Alpha Chi Omega. My favorite color is blue. I love reading. I can sometimes be a dork and other times be totally basic. I have two cats and a dog, and sometimes think I'm destined to be an epic cat lady though I think my boyfriend might try and put a stop to that. (After all, he's a dog person.) I don't believe I fit into any one stereotype, and I don't believe anyone else does either.  What you can expect from SororityBlogger: A lot of times we see Greek Life get a bad rep in tv, movies, books, etc. Greek Life seems to get an awful lot of negative pre...