
Hello amazing readers (both old and new)!

I realized recently that I haven't blogged in a very long time, and I figure it's long past time for a new blog post. A lot has happened in my life since my last post and so for both new readers and old, I thought I'd start with a (Re)Introduction.

First here's some basics:

My name is Kelly. I graduated from Rutgers University and am a sister of Alpha Chi Omega. My favorite color is blue. I love reading. I can sometimes be a dork and other times be totally basic. I have two cats and a dog, and sometimes think I'm destined to be an epic cat lady though I think my boyfriend might try and put a stop to that. (After all, he's a dog person.) I don't believe I fit into any one stereotype, and I don't believe anyone else does either. 

What you can expect from SororityBlogger:

A lot of times we see Greek Life get a bad rep in tv, movies, books, etc. Greek Life seems to get an awful lot of negative press, but there are so many amazing things Greek Life does too! The goal of Sorority Blogger is to give some insight into how Greek Life can positively impact people; in particular how it's helped (and is helping) me grow to be my best version of myself. I can't speak for every sorority woman everywhere; I can only speak for myself and my journey, and hopefully in the process send some good energy out into the world to change the narrative about Greek Life so that young women (and men) might find the organization that will truly help them "Seek the Heights". 

In the past, I wrote about some of my memories from my collegiate years. Undoubtedly some more memories will come up and be shared; however, it's been a few years now since I've graduated so a lot of my posts will be more geared towards how being a sorority woman is continuing to help me grow as an adult, alumna, and (hopefully) well rounded working woman

I hope you enjoy Sorority Blogger, and please always feel free to comment with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. 

Thank you!


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