
Showing posts from August, 2017

21 Days of Yoga - Day One

Every  year on my birthday, I like to set goals for myself for that year of my life. This year, at the ripe old age of 26, I've decided that I want to actually start getting back into shape, increase my flexibility again, and learn how to do a head or hand stand. How I've decided to do this? Well, a little bit before my birthday I bought a series of classes online for 21 days of beginner yoga from DailyOm. It's now almost 6 months after my birthday, and I finally decided to actually start taking those classes. Day one was not what I expected. I've taken yoga classes before in actual studios (if you're in NJ check out Yoga Dosha in East Brunswick; Phebe's warm vinyasa basics class was amazing), but I really wanted to try to get a bit more practice in at home. Day one at home was nothing like what I remembered from the studio. I decided to try the extended class (20 minutes) while my boyfriend drafted his fantasy league team. The first 10 minutes was entirely c...


Hello amazing readers (both old and new)! I realized recently that I haven't blogged in a very long time, and I figure it's long past time for a new blog post. A lot has happened in my life since my last post and so for both new readers and old, I thought I'd start with a (Re)Introduction. First here's some basics: My name is Kelly. I graduated from Rutgers University and am a sister of Alpha Chi Omega. My favorite color is blue. I love reading. I can sometimes be a dork and other times be totally basic. I have two cats and a dog, and sometimes think I'm destined to be an epic cat lady though I think my boyfriend might try and put a stop to that. (After all, he's a dog person.) I don't believe I fit into any one stereotype, and I don't believe anyone else does either.  What you can expect from SororityBlogger: A lot of times we see Greek Life get a bad rep in tv, movies, books, etc. Greek Life seems to get an awful lot of negative pre...