2019 Reading Challenge Reviews - Books 3 & 4

This year I'm participating in the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge for 2019 (you can see the prompt list in my 2019 Reading Challenge Overview post or on the popsugar.com website).

Here are my thoughts on the 3rd and 4th books that I've read this year.

Book 3: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

I gave this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

The prompt I chose for this was "A Retelling of a Classic." I actually had a different book in mind for this prompt, but then someone pointed out to me that myths and legends are as classical as books get, and so I'll save that other book for another prompt.

I've learned that I really, really love Norse Mythology. These stories and their retelling in this book are amazing. There were definitely a few that I tried to verbally put my own spin on to my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen me be so excited about a book that I had to interrupt whatever he was trying to do at the time to tell him all about it each time I finished one of the stories.

I also noticed that it seems like a lot of the books and book series that I love have some common themes with the Norse myths in this book. It makes me love both the myths and all those other series that much more.

Book 4: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I gave this book 3/5 stars on Goodreads.

The prompt I chose for this was "A Book Recommended by a Celebrity You Admire." I wasn't actually sure which celebrity I was going to choose for this, but then I learned that before Meghan Markle met Prince Harry, she had been known to talk about this book. At the time I read this, I really needed a quick easy read in my life, and a traditional children's book (that I had sadly never read) seemed perfect.

This book had a lot of cute little adventures and morals to go with the adventures, but I'm not going to lie (and I'm going to keep this short to try to avoid spoilers) it got dark. It got a lot darker than I typically anticipate from a children's book, and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it.


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