NEWTS Overview - Plus Book 45 Review

In addition to the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge, I decided to try the NEWTS reading challenge inspired by Harry Potter. The challenge was created by this wonderful youtuber: Book Roast NEWTS. This was supposed to be completed in August, but I decided to just try and finish it even if it takes me longer. 

For NEWTS I decided on the Magizoologist path. The Magizoologist path requires an O in Care of Magical Creatures, E in Charms, and E in Herbology. You must complete all prior letters to achieve the required letter as well (though I'm going to be going a little out of order).

Here is the description of the requirements for Magizoology:
  • Care of Magical Creatures
    • A. Follow the Spiders! Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies! Book title that starts with a letter A, for Aragog!
    • E. Book under 300 pages
    • O. Grab onto Fawke's Tail! Read a book with a bird on the cover.
  • Charms
    • A. Read a book that you think has a gorgeous cover
    • E. Read a comic/graphic novel/manga (or a book under 150 pages)
  • Herbology
    • A. Mandrake! Quick, put your headphones on! Listen to an audiobook (if not - green cover)
    • E. Read a Book between 350-390 pages.
If you have any reading challenges or books you recommend, please let me know so I can check them out. 

Thank you for taking this reading journey with me!

Now for the book review!

Book 45: Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson with Illustrations by Adrian Alphona and Jacob Wyatt

I gave this book 3/5 stars on Goodreads.

The Pop Sugar Challenge prompt I chose for this was "A book about someone with a super power."

For NEWTS: I read this for Charms - E: Read a comic/graphic novel/manga

I thought the art in this was fun, and I love the main character and her two best friends (though I'd like to see more of her female best friend).

I feel like there were some plot points where you could benefit from having Marvel knowledge (not just Marvel Cinematic Universe knowledge either) to know exactly what was going on. This could be fun for fans, but not helpful for readers who want to pick up Ms. Marvel as a stand alone comic or as an introduction to Marvel comics. 

I did think it was fun, and I may end up reading at least one more, and I would recommend it for Marvel fans.


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