2019 Reading Challenge Reviews: Books 57 & 58

Hello readers!

I've decided to participate in two reading challenges this year: the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge and NEWTS. You can find out more info on both challenges in previous Overview posts. 

Neither one of these books were actually read for either challenge, though. The first book was the second in a series. I had read the first earlier in the year and wanted to read the second as well. The second book I just thought sounded really interesting when I was browsing at my local library.

Here are my book reviews for my 57th and 58th books of 2019:

Book 57: Smoke in the Sun by Renee Ahdieh

I gave this book 3/5 stars on Goodreads.

This book had no prompt. It was a 'just for fun' read. :)

This is the second book in this series. The first book was the 49th book that I read this year. You can see it's review in a prior post.

There will be some spoilers for the first book below. If you wish to skip to book 58's review to avoid spoilers, please jump to that review below.

The series follows Mariko, a young woman from a wealthy family in a feudal Japan-esque society. In the first book, an attempt is made on Mariko's life while she is on the way to meet her betrothed, the king's illegitimate son, but she managers to escape. Believing that a group called the Black Clan was behind her attempted murder, she dresses herself up as a boy and infiltrates the group. However, as she gets to know them she questions her entire understanding of the world she lives in.

When her brother, a renowned Samurai, shows up with her betrothed to 'rescue' her from the Black Clan, she goes willingly, but only to try and help the leader of the clan who is being taken prisoner.

In this book, she attempts to free the Black Clan leader while also learning more about the world that she lives in, and trying to play the 'perfect wife' to her betrothed.

This book has a lot more magic qualities than the first book did. I thought it was a nice conclusion to the story started in the first book, but was confused by some of the character development and details. I'd like to see a book set far in the future, just to see exactly how some details change things for the characters.

Overall, this was a fun YA book with some obvious girl power.

Book 58: The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

I gave this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads. This was one of those books where the moment I started reading it, I already knew I was going to love it.

This was another 'just for fun' book. :)

This book follows Irene and her assistant, Kai. They work for The Library, a secret organization that collects books from all of the different realities that are important for various reasons. They get sent to an alternate London that is filled with 'chaos' and magic. 'Chaos' realms are the more dangerous realms to visit, and Irene and Kai have a lot of twists and turns in their quest for the book they need to collect. Some of these twists involve learning about themselves, while others involve other Library secrets.

I'm really, really intrigued to read the next in the series now. I really enjoyed every aspect of this book, and think that anyone who loves fantasy/steampunk might enjoy it as much (or more) than I did.


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