The Burnout Stage

So I go through this stage quite frequently. 

I give 110% to something, but then forget to make sure to take care of myself at the same time. So I grow exhausted and unproductive. Then I hate that I'm being unproductive and try to force myself to keep trekking. But that just increases the exhaustion and lack of productivity until it reaches 0%. Then I crash, recuperate, and start the cycle all over again.

I think a lot of people in today's world face similar stages. Though all at different rates. 

Currently, I reached that burnout stage again. Which has definitely decreased my productivity. I mean, I went from 2 blog posts a week to well... none last week.

I think the Burnout Stage is a problem we have in Western Civilization where we need to remember how to slow down, take a break, and enjoy the moment. 

So, I decided to try the #100HappyDays challenge, and I'll go into more detail about my progress with it in different blog posts, but starting out right now I'm struggling a lot more than I thought I would with it. It's not that I'm not happy every day; it's more that I forget to take notice of the moments when I am. The stress and constant movement slow me down, until it's late at night and I'm just like... wait... what did I do that was fun today? So far, I've always found something, but I almost forget to think about it. 

Basically, I guess the point of this post is a ramble and apology about my writer's block, as well as a brief life lesson.

Take notice. In our busy, crazy days, take a minute to just sit back, relax, and remember why you do what you do, and find the little things that make you happy doing it.


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